Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Competitive Spirits

April? Has it been April? I barely new it was here, and now it's almost over! Since I blogged last we have been having a fun time with the kids' end of school projects, field trips, events and soccer season beginning!

Darrell is Cameryn's soccer coach for this season and they are both doing a great job! Even though she didn't want to do it, she is starting to have fun with soccer. (We all have to work in that exercise some how!) As you can see in the pics, when Cam decides to "get after it" she really gets after it! Her team is the "Little Wolves" and they are almost 5-6 year olds. The first practice was a bit comical, because Darrell didn't realize he was having a "pre-school" group and wasn't quite prepared for how distracted this age group gets. By the next practice, he had his "nurturing nature" pulled out and had a great time. It is funny to watch some of these first timers get out there and just zone out...picking up rocks, kicking the soccer ball too far and just standing there and looking at it like, "would someone PLEASE go get that ball?", and we have one cute little guy who likes to pick on the girls...none of them like that...yet! It will be a fun and interesting season to watch these players develop their skills and learn more about Jesus.

Last week was the "Bobcat Run" at the kids' school for the 2nd-5th graders. I knew about it because of the sign on the marque, but didn't really know how big of a deal it was for Cal until the few days leading up to it. He kept talking about how fast he was going to run; which guys were faster than him; if he was going to start off fast and pass everyone right
off or take it slow and steady; he needed to eat pasta the night before and be in bed no later than 8:30...I mean this kid was worked up! He could hardly go to sleep the night before and then was really nervous on the way to school. I prayed for him on the way to school, that God would give him strong legs to run swiftly and carefully and that Cal would know that his strength would come from the Lord. I asked God to take away his anxiety and turn it into excitement. By the time Cal got out of the car, he was a little calmer, but he later told me that he went to the restroom 6 times before the run (which was at 9:30!!)...I think he was still a little nervous. Cal did great and finished strong. The run was 1/2 mile and the top 3 received medals. Cal was a little disappointed that he didn't receive a medal, but he did finish in the top 1/2 of the 2nd grade boys. We told him that the fact that he finished and he did his best, was the greatest achievement of them all! PawPaw, Cannon, Brandt, Cade, and myself were all there to cheer him across the finish line...We were very proud!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Two-Wheelers and other Proud Moments!

Breaking News!!! Cannon and Brandt both learned how to ride their bikes without training wheels! Yesterday we went out front to ride bikes, scooters, and anything else with wheels and Cannon said he wanted to try the two-wheeler. So with a few assisted starts, he was off and rolling. Brandt was close behind waiting his turn! It didn't take too many turns for Brandt and he was rolling down the side walk unassisted as well! If you look close, you'll see two very proud faces on those boys!

No, we don't have a 4th child....that is "Rose", Cameryn's doll. The rest of those kids sure are treasures!
Cameryn standing by her desk at her Easter party at school.
Cal at his desk during his Easter party. He never wants me to take his picture, so I'm surprised I got a smile out of him on this one.
Easter at Nana and PawPaw's.

All the Collins family cousins (l-r) Cameryn, Cannon, Cal, Cade, Addie, Cage (floor), Coen, & Brandt.
Easter Bunny Nana...I asked her if she used to wear those ears in a previous job! She was quick to reply, "NO!"

We sure do miss our friends, the Higgins! The girls are some of the Plemons and Japhets favorite people!

Here are Cannon, Brandt, and Cade playing in Cameryn's room while she is at school....uh-oh!...I'm sure they will be proud of their Hannah Montana impersonations when they get older!

Upwards is one of our favorite things! This is the end of season celebration night and Coach Hector (Hinojosa) is giving Cal his team basketball. Cal has decided his two sports are basketball and football (flag ball for now!). He will sit out soccer season and cheer on Cameryn!