Thursday, March 30, 2006

3 Reasons to Worship!

These are 3 of my reasons to worship and praise God! Cal, Cameryn, and Cannon bring such joy and delight to my life! While I'm sitting here quietly thanking God for these kids, Darrell, my home, our car, all the extras that we don't need, it's hard to justify the "rough" morning that I've had with "middle C" and "little C" while "big C" has been in school. I pray daily that I will keep things in perspective and discipline and correct wisely and patiently.


Lovell's Lookout said...

Beth!!! what's up? Awesome kids!! I love the pics... mine are a little lower on my blog. We have 4 now...Madeline(6) Samuel(4) Lee and Tomlyn (almost 3). I am pastoring a church in Decatur, TX see this website for a family pic... We are having a blast...we are coming up on 8 years of marriage... I love your blog...So good to see God's faithfulness in your life...Awesome!!! Love you girl!!!

shell said...

I love seeing the pics of your kids -- they're getting so big!!! I talked to Kelly C. the other day, she said y'all's trip was a true joy. I wish I had an entire day to sit down with both of you and hear every last detail. I sure miss being there and singing with you. Keep in touch!