Monday, May 12, 2008

Tomorrow He's 8!!

Well, not only was this a great Mother's Day weekend, but it was a great weekend to celebrate our first born! Cal will be 8 on Tues. so we started the festivities on Fri. night. Cal decided a few weeks back that he didn't want a "big themed" party, but instead wanted to go out with just his friends. So, we invited some friends (we missed those who couldn't make it!) and headed out to Putt-Putt. After go-carts, mini coasters, teacups, a round of mini golf, pizza & nachos, we headed in to the arcade....who knew that throwing some money into a machine could bring such sheer delight to these kids!? After the tickets spewed out and piled up at their feet, they went to choose their treasures at the prize counter...decisions! decisions!
From all signs, the kids had a great time!

(click on pics to make bigger)

After Cameryn's soccer game on Sat., we then met all the family at our house for the "family party". Cal has become a Texas Tech fan over the years, so we had an all black and red cake. From past experience, neither of these two icing colors are very easy to eat without making a mess, but the kids didn't seem to mind...even the adults got in on some of the icing fun!

I'm so thankful that Cal was the one to make me a "Mom"...he was a great start to a great thing!
I love you, Calvin James Plemons!