Monday, January 23, 2006's to many more great Anniversaries!

25 Years ago my parents decided that Tammy, Kenneth and I needed to be in a church where we would be fed spiritually and have programs to help us in our Christian walk. That decision led our family to Richland Hills Church of Christ and becoming a part of one of the greatest gathering of believers in the world!
This weekend we were able to celebrate RHCC's 50th Anniversary and what a joy it was to claim membership of such an incredible body. I was proud of the heritage that we were reminded of and I was challenged to not let the foundations of RHCC die. It was so sweet to see so many of the charter members and the original congregation gather together and still be so supportive of where we are today. Too often the groups that start a good work don't like where the later generations have taken it...but with this family of believers we have stayed true to our calling and have continued to do all we can to glorify our Lord.
Thank you to the past, present and future leaders of this church for knowing our God and desiring His will to be our will. May we all live like leaders and be examples of our brother, Jesus Christ.
P.S. Hats off to Jenni New and her planning committee for creating such a memorable event and for letting everyone take home a little bit of grace!


Kelly Vaughn said...

Thanks Beth...this is the first report we've heard on the celebration over the weekend! It's hard to be away in times like this! We are thankful to call RHCC our home church, and our supporting church as many dear friends! Great leadership, too, we agree!!!

m'lis said...

Yay! Beth's a bloggin! I can just picture the big celebration; I bet it was great, and I bet all the Brownlows were there as well. I can't believe how big the kids are now; seems like Cal was born yesterday. (sigh!) You guys are looking so good, and I'd just love to give you a big ol' hug right now. Thanks for opening up and sharing your life with us.
I'll be in the states in March and am really asking God to let me be able to go to Texas -- I'll try to give you enough notice so that we can get together while I'm there. I love you, Friend!

Kelly Vaughn said...

Where are you in blogworld? We want to hear more!!!:)
Love you,

Lovell's Lookout said...

Praise God for RHCC... I hear horror stories all the time of the oppresive churches they grew up in. I feel blessed beyond measure to have been birthed twice into a church were Grace was preached and lost people were reached out to. What a heritage. What a Gift. May God continue to pour out His Spirit on this wonderful body...